Proven ways to boost your business

Studies show Uniferon 200 mg/ml improves weight gain, growth and overall health in piglets

At Pharmacosmos, iron supplementation isn't just about healthy piglets - it's also about helping our customers build healthier businesses through sharing best practices and providing excellent treatment options. The following studies demonstrate a few of the ways Uniferon 200 mg/ml can boost your business and optimize your production management.

Proven ways to boost your business

Table of contents:

  1. Proven production benefits from one Uniferon 200 injection
  2. Boost weight gain with a second injection in faster-growing piglets
  3. Second iron injection alleviates symptoms in PMWS positive herds

1. Proven production benefits from one Uniferon 200 injection

In a recent study in Denmark, 236 piglets received an injection of Uniferon. The result? Just one 200 mg dose ensured a weight gain of 253 g per day from birth through to day 20. On average, the piglets gained 5 kg in their first 20 days of life, resulting in an average total weight per piglet of 6.5 kg at day 201). This is exceptional, even when compared to other published results from trials using different iron sources3).

The study also showed positive results with hemoglobin levels. On day 20, the average hemoglobin level was 7.2 mmol/l (116 g/l), which is much higher than the minimum recommended hemoglobin level (90 g/l).

This trial proves that Uniferon 200 mg/ml brings measurable production benefits to farmers by boosting daily weight gain and increasing hemoglobin levels in piglets. And the Uniferon results are better than Gleptosil's, which show a daily weight gain of 219 g/day in separate trials6). Other common iron treatments, including paste and supplemented drinking water, show even poorer results7).

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2. Boost weight gain with a second injection in faster-growing piglets

After numerous studies, it was clear that a single injection of Uniferon 200 mg/ml could significantly boost weight gain in piglets. This raised an important question: could a second injection of Uniferon on day 8-24 provide additional benefits for piglets and for intensive pig production?

The answer is a resounding yes - especially among faster-growing piglets that require even more iron than average-growing or slower-growing piglets. A new study revealed the considerable potential of second Uniferon injection. The trial involved a healthy herd of 236 piglets, randomly split into two groups. One group received a second 200 mg injection of Uniferon on day 20, while the other group did not. The second injection group had higher hemoglobin levels and showed increased daily weight gain from day 34-501). A second injection ensures your faster-growing piglets reach their optimal weight - and your business gets maximum profit at slaughter.

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3. Second iron injection alleviates symptoms in PMWS positive herds

A study of 162 piglets in a PMWS positive herd showed that a second injection of Uniferon 200 mg/ml boosted hemoglobin levels and daily weight gain, and alleviated PMWS symptoms. These piglets had a 50 g increase in daily weight gain from day 12-32 post weaning, which corresponds to 1 kg more per piglet compared to an untreated control group (saline injection only)2).

This new research is proof that, even when the hemoglobin level is considered adequate, a second injection results in a higher average growth rate after weaning. And the additional hemoglobin from an extra injection of Uniferon supports an increased growth rate in piglets.

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