Uniferon references

A well-documented safety and efficacy profile

If you are interested in iron therapy and iron supplementation, we recommend you to include this documentation in your reading:

  1. Haugegaard, J, Kristensen, P.J., Wachmann, H. "Effect of additional iron supplement for piglets: Injection of 200 mg Iron dextran (Uniferon® from Pharmacosmos) on day twenty in a herd with low medicine consumption", Proceedings vol. I, p. 302, IPVS Copenhagen 2006.

  2. Bach, J.E., Nielsen, J.P., Kristensen, C.S, Stege, H. "Effect of an additional iron injection in a PMWS positive herd in respect to hematocrit, hemoglobin and growth rate", Proceedings vol. II, p. 565, IPVS Copenhagen 2006.

  3. Pollmann, D.S., Smith, J.E., Stevenson, J.S., Schoneweis, D.A., Hines, R.H., Journal of Animal Science, volume 56, no. 3, p. 640-644

  4. Vermeer, J.E.M., Kuijpers, A.H.C., Elbers, A.R.W. "Comparative investigation into the efficacy of two different iron supplementary products for anemia prevention in piglets", Tijdschr Diergeneeskd, 2002 Feb 15; 127 (4)

  5. Unpublished independent trial conducted 2005, James, H.L., Sheridan, M., DVM, Cox, W.R., DVM, Dip. Path., Data on file with Vétoquinol Canada Inc.

  6. Unpublished materiel with Alstoe Animal Health, Ltd., England

  7. Loh Teck Chwen et. al. "The effects of iron supplementation in preweaning piglets", Mal. J. Nutr. 7 (1&2), 41-49, 2001

  8. Blood, D.C. et al (1983): Veterinary Medicine, A textbook of the diseases of cattle, sheep, pigs, goats and horses. 6th ed. London: Baillière Tindall.

  9. Leman et al. (1992): Diseases of Swine. 7th ed. Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, USA.

  10. NRC (National Research Council) (1998): Nutrient Requirements of Swine, 10th revised ed. Washington D.C.: National Academy Press.

  11. Medico Industries Inc. (1991) FDA: Freedom of Information Summary, NADA no. 134-708

  12. Thomsen, B.H. (1987): Study on 20% iron dextran Pharmacosmos. Pharmacosmos A/S

  13. Christensen, T. & Christensen L. (1987): Studies on local tolerance after intramuscular injection of 20% iron dextran (Pharmacosmos) in newborn and grown up pigs. Pharmacosmos A/S

  14. Brennan, J.J. (1998): Iron dextran 20% injection bioequivalency study. StarterPig Trial No. 0341, in press.

  15. Kallesen, Th. (1976): A comparative study between Iron Dextran (Pharmacosmos) and Imferon (Pharmacia) in piglets. Pharmacosmos A/S


We advise you always to seek the guidances of your local veterinarian as he or she can give you the most competent recommendations on the health and welfare of your piglets.